Wouldn’t it be just wonderful if that was true! Imagine putting a decorative prop in your window and being able to leave it there almost all year —and still get a positive reaction from the shoppers on the street after all that exposure. Not easy—but it can be done.
The Jumbo shop, the 2015 gia Global Honoree from Turkey, is an excellent example for how it can be and was done. The store has a pair of open backed windows and an open-for-viewing-look into the store beyond. Using the silhouette of an elephant, the store’s logo that relates to the name Jumbo, a display/fixture/prop was created that has glass shelves on which products can be displayed. The removable back panel can be changed and, as you can see from the photos, they are changed for holidays or special seasonal promotions. In addition to the change of color and/or pattern of the background, the decorative elements that are attached directly to the front glass enhance the seasonal message and change the look of the presentation.
Here are some changes you might expect to see: hot pink with matching lace paper cut-out hearts for Valentines Day; yellow or light green background with yellow flowers tied with green ribbons for spring or with pastel-colored Easter eggs for Easter; gold or orange backing with assorted autumnal fall leaves for Fall and bright red with red and gold ornaments for Christmas.
The basic idea is to get a dominant element in your window that becomes identified with your store and that people readily recognize. If you have a logo or a graphic identity, see what you can do with that or how you can adapt it. If you don’t have a recognizable logo, what does your store name suggest? Do you have a pet dog or cat that keeps you company in the shop and thus becomes known by name by your clients? How about a life-sized, stylized chef figure that can be “dressed” for each season or promotion. The figure can be cut out of plywood or made in outline with a wire frame. It may or may not have features. You may want to use a shiny frying pan for the face and scouring pads or a mop for hair.
Be creative—have fun, and fun can be contagious, so spread it around. AS to how to “dress” your iconic prop, here are some thoughts. I am sure you will think of many, many more once you have created your own special figure. First and foremost—COLOR. One major color to set the trim or a color scheme. Feature the color on your icon as well as in the product display. IF you are where snow may be in the forecast for January, let Spring come early this year with a bright color promotion. February is time for red and hearts, while March calls for Spring and Easter—daffodils, tulips and Easter eggs. April showers may bring May flowers, and Mother’s Day followed by Father’s Day in June with lots of white for bridals—and I think you get the idea.
Use the products in stock as much as possible. If you have aprons, fine. If you don’t carry aprons but have napkins or towels, make aprons out of them. Your icon or figure doesn’t have hands but you have oven mitts in stock—use them to create the illusion. Clothespins will make fun fingers and so will forks and spoons.
Forget about realism—go for fantasy. Be creative—be imaginative—go a bit wild. You don’t have to be a specialist to do any of this—just let the mischief in you come out and show off.
If you dare to do anything like this, please record it for posterity and share it with us? Send us your alter-ego “selfies” so that we can share them with our readers (My email address is mmpegler@optonline.net). Good displays make great sales!