Information provided by the Japan DIY Industry Association shows remarkable development in the sales and number of DIY stores/home centers in Japan since the first DIY store was opened in the country over 40 years ago. There are now over 4,500 DIY stores/home centers in Japan with annual general proceeds reaching 3.95 trillion yen. Annual general proceeds & number of DIY…
Key Buyer / Market Reports
Learn about the world’s leading retailers and distributors, including analysis of home and housewares products offered.
Shoppers Stop: Key Indian Retailer Update
As a preview to his presentation during the upcoming IBC Global Forum, the following is a brief on Indian retail, Vikram Chitnis and Shoppers Stop, a retailer with an extensive focus on home and housewares. Retail in India continues to expand and develop from traditional “son & pop” shops to organized brick and mortar retail. Organized retail is expected reach $150 bn…
CONTINUE READINGYuwa Group: Japan Market Overview
As a preview to their presentation during the upcoming IBC Global Forum, the following is a brief on Yuwa Group, a Japanese distributor of consumer and household products. Yuwa Group was established in 1965 as an importer of consumer goods mainly from Europe, and over the last 20 years has begun working with U.S. suppliers as well. Yuwa is presently the sole agent for…
CONTINUE READINGCuba: Immediate Challenges & Long-Term Opportunities
IHA Staff conducted a recent market visit to Havana, Cuba to assess the market potential of this relatively closed and unknown market. Due to the lifting of certain restrictions by U.S. citizens to visit Cuba, more and more Americans are beginning to visit this nearby country, and there is the potential in the coming years that U.S. housewares companies will be able to…
CONTINUE READINGMercadoLibre: Latin America’s Largest Online Retailer
As a preview to their presentation during the upcoming IBC Global Forum, the following is a brief on MercadoLibre, the leading Latin American e-commerce retailer. MercadoLibre was established in August 1999 in Argentina and rapidly expanded to Brazil (as, Mexico and other South American countries. It is the largest e-commerce retailer in Latin America,…
CONTINUE READINGIndonesia Market Visit
IHA Staff recently made a market visit to Indonesia in preparation for the planned November 2017 trade mission to that country. Indonesia, the largest economy in Southeast Asia, has enjoyed steady economic growth over the past decade, averaging between 5-6 percent, with moderate inflation, rising foreign direct investment, and relatively low interest rates. U.S.-Indonesia…
CONTINUE READINGPhilippines Market Visit
IHA Staff recently made a market visit to the Philippines in preparation for the planned November 2017 trade mission to that country. The visit included meeting with key importers and distributors, meeting with relevant key major chain retailers and touring multi-chain retailers and malls to better understand the market. The United States is among the Philippines’ top trading…
IHA Staff recently made a market visit to Taiwan in preparation for a potential trade mission to that island country in 2018. The visit included meeting with key importers and distributors, meeting with relevant key major chain retailers and touring multi-chain retailers and malls to better understand the market. Distributors met with included Farcent Enterprises, a…
CONTINUE READINGSouth Korea Market Visit
IHA Staff recently made a market visit to South Korea in preparation for a potential trade mission to that country in 2018. The visit included touring major retail outlets/malls, meeting with key distributors to better understand the market, and meeting with relevant key retailers. Distributors met with included Venta Korea Co., Ltd., household appliance distributor for…