July 31 – Walmart ups stake in Flipkart after buying additional shares from Tiger Global The mass merchant in 2018 became Flipkart’s largest shareholder after paying $16 billion for an initial 77% stake in the company. From: Retail Dive July 31 – Food Lion Unveils Additional Store Renovations in North Carolina Grocer will cut the ribbon on 47 locations throughout…
Industry Resources
Learn about IHA’s cost-saving programs, including the International Housewares Shippers Association, designed to help members grow their business!
Business Tax Breaks Scheduled to End
In 2017, the Republican-led Congress passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) using budget reconciliation to avoid a Senate filibuster and its 60-vote threshold. But the tradeoff for this process is that tax breaks benefiting IHA members and other businesses had to be temporary in order to meet budget reconciliation rules. The TCJA boosted the IRC Sec. 168(k) Bonus…
CONTINUE READINGSpot Rates Tick Upward
Carriers have tried for months to increase spot rates on containers shipping from Asia to the U.S. Low consumer demand has rendered those attempts futile until now. Carriers believe spot rates have finally hit bottom. This optimism could stem from the uptick in rates the market experienced in July. For the first time this year, spot rates have accepted a meaningful increase…
CONTINUE READINGSpot Rates Remain Depressed
Carriers continue to struggle finding sufficient volume to fill their ships on the Asia to U.S. trade lane. Demand started to soften last summer and has never fully recovered. While volume is expected to increase slightly heading into peak season, carriers are faced with a dilemma on how to handle rates. Carriers have been trying to increase spot rates for the last several…
CONTINUE READINGU.S. Retail Intelligence – July
June 29 – Best Buy Updates Membership Program in Time for July Deals As the company prepares for its July supply events, Best Buy is rolling out its updated membership program, now in three three tiers designed for customers who want convenience, value and access, as well as protection and support. From: HomePage News June 29 – 2023 Private Label Hall of Fame: Kristin…
On June 2, Americans for Free Trade (AFT) sent a letter to the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) signed by IHA and 145 other organizations for the May 17 hearing Leveling the Playing Field: How to Counter the Chinese Communist Party’s Economic Aggression. Despite the enmity between Capitol Hill Republicans and Democrats, the Select Committee on the…
CONTINUE READINGControversial New Process for Regulations
On April 6, President Biden issued the Executive Order (EO) “Modernizing Regulatory Review” that will change the process by which federal agencies such as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Departments of Transportation and Labor promulgate their regulations. The White House says these changes will improve the process, but administrative law experts believe the new…
CONTINUE READINGPeak Shipping Season Rebound Unlikely
Ocean carriers are coming to the realization that the upcoming peak shipping season will likely be a bust. Several carriers have been predicting that the Asia to U.S. market would see a rebound in container shipping during the second half of 2023. It is becoming clear now that the so-called rebound is not going to happen. Industry experts have also backed off previous…
CONTINUE READINGU.S. Retail Intelligence – June
May 31 – Albertsons Rebrands 'Signature' Private Label Assortment The grocer is rolling out its Signature SELECT brand that features a new logo and packaging design to stores across the U.S. From: StoreBrands Today May 30 – Walgreens Announces Winners for the 2023 Expressions by Walgreens Art Challenge Walgreens established Expressions to educate, empower and equip young…
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