IHA Offers frequent webinars to keep you informed of the latest industry developments and educated on best business practices. Take part in an upcoming webinar starting in September or watch a previous recorded webinar on a wide variety of topics. Shifting the Paradigm: One-Size-Does-NOT-fit-all for Shared Warehousing 12:00 pm CDT September 13 Housewares firms…
IHA creates educational content year-round to keep our members and buyer audience on top of current trends and the latest housewares industry developments. Key video and audio content, from industry experts, is also recorded each year at the International Home + Housewares Show.
Webinars Assist Exhibitors With Marketing & Boothmanship
To help exhibitors make the most of their trade show investment, the International Housewares Association is presenting a series of educational webinars focusing on marketing services, booth design and etiquette advice for the 2017 International Home + Housewares Show. In “Bring More Buyers and Media to Your Booth in 2017,” IHA staff walks through the Exhibitor Marketing…