By: David P. Street and Brendan Collins, IHSA Legal Council As you are probably aware, Hanjin filed for bankruptcy protection in Korea on Wednesday August 31st. The filing came just a day after the company creditor's discontinued financial assistance of more than USD $896 million to keep the company operating. The Korean bankruptcy court will determine whether Hanjin should…
Industry Resources
Learn about IHA’s cost-saving programs, including the International Housewares Shippers Association, designed to help members grow their business!
Hanjin Financial Issues
Although the International Housewares Shippers Association (IHSA) does not have a contract with Hanjin, we wanted to address their current financial situation. As expected, Hanjin did file for court receivership on August 31 after losing support of its banks. The court will decide whether Hanjin will continue to operate or be dissolved. This process normally takes two months…
CONTINUE READINGIHA Announces Prop 65 Protection Insurance for Members
The International Housewares Association is partnering with Wells Fargo Insurance to provide a new insurance program that can help members mitigate their liability under the California Proposition (Prop) 65 legislation. The Prop 65 Protection Program provides protection from the costs associated with defending a Prop 65 lawsuit specific to plasticizers, including fines,…
CONTINUE READINGMounting Losses Persist for Container Lines
Carrier profitability, or lack of profitability, is causing uncertainty with shippers heading into the busiest shipping period of the year. After reaching historical lows, container rates from Asia to United States have stabilized. Although stabilized, the rates have not rebounded to profitable levels. Hanjin and Hyundai are two carriers that have been fighting off bad…
CONTINUE READINGAre you selling product online directly to consumers?
There seems to be an increase in the number of reported lawsuits levied by plaintiffs against IHA members alleging that the Terms and Conditions of their online ecommerce websites violate New Jersey’s arcane Truth-in-Consumer Contract, Warranty and Notice Act (“TCCWNA”). These lawsuits don’t have to prove there has been a loss or damage suffered by the consumer. Your company…
CONTINUE READINGAsia to U.S.A. – Spot Rates Increase
The International Housewares Shippers Association (IHSA) has been closely monitoring freight rates in the Asia to United States market. The carriers have made eight attempts to increase freight rates in this market since May 2015. Every attempt failed until July 2016. The biggest obstacle to the previous attempted increases was simple economics. The amount of capacity in the…
CONTINUE READINGOcean Freight Update: Ocean Carriers’ Action Indicates Weak Demand
Ocean carriers are entering their busiest shipping phase known as peak season to those familiar with the container shipping industry. It is traditional for ocean carriers to impose a “Peak Season Surcharge” (PSS) on containers shipped from Asia to the United States during this peak period. The PSS is a good tool for shippers to gauge how carriers view future demand in the…
CONTINUE READINGIs Your Company Prepared for SOLAS?
If your company ships ocean containers, you need to prepared for SOLAS. Effective July 1, 2016, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) will be enforcing a new regulation in the Safety of Life at Sea Convention (SOLAS). This new regulation mandates that shippers provide a Verified Gross Mass (VGM) for every container as a condition for loading onto a ship for export. VGM…
CONTINUE READINGIHSA Finalizes Ocean Contract Negotiations
After two months of negotiating with ocean carriers, the International Housewares Shippers Association (IHSA) is pleased to report that contract negotiations have been finalized. IHSA’s 2016-17 ocean carrier program offers rates and services with 11 different ocean carriers capable of providing service to and from every major trade lane in the world. The contract rates are…